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Conference Room Design Tips For Creating A Productive Space

Elevate Your Conference Room Experience

Conference Room Design Tips For Creating A Productive Space

Every office needs a professional space that is dedicated to meetings for teams discussing department plans to board members for determining the long-term direction of the company. To create a productive work environment, the conference room design should account for a number of factors, including the availability of space, area of the room, and technology.

When creating a conference room, it should be designed to have effective meetings and emphasize the presenter and their presentation to create a more engaging conference or meeting for your office in New York, NY. Take a look at some of our conference room design tips for the ideal setup that can enhance productivity.

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Use The Right Technology

As technology is involved in every aspect of business, you're more likely to use AV technology for meetings to create an impact on the meeting participants and present them with important facts and details in an engaging format. When you're looking for AV technology such as video conferencing equipment including webcams, microphones, speaker systems, and even softwares like Zoom, you'll need to consider the quality and resolution of the technology along with its speed and connectivity to create a superior meeting experience. We recommend opting for the latest technology such as 4K projectors and surround sound for high-end audio and video quality. 

Room Layout

Conference rooms are typically used for meetings and presentations, which is why you should use the space wisely to ensure every meeting participant can view and hear the person speaking and any media that they're using to enforce their point. It is common to include a long table with comfortable seating and have the projector system or screen placed at the head of the table.

Alternatively, the table can also be round or slightly curved for better visibility, so every participant gets a clear view of the screen and presenter. Only you know how many people you will be hosting at maximum capacity, which is why you should find a table that is suitable for accommodating your meeting participants. The layout is exceptionally important when it comes to holding the attention of the room, and the right setup can make it easy for the presenter to make eye contact with every individual at the table and engage them in the meeting.

At the Home Theater of Long Island, we are available to help meet your business needs by creating a conference room setup that is easy to navigate and control. Contact us by calling 516-365-HIFI (4434) or filling out our contact form for a no-obligation consultation. We look forward to working with you!