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Enhance Your Home Entertainment with Whole-Home Audio

Savant Helps You Enjoy a Seamless Sound Experience in Every Room

Enhance Your Home Entertainment with Whole-Home Audio

Expand your musical horizons by adding a whole-home audio system to your smart home setup. Then wherever you go – upstairs, downstairs, inside, and outside – you can hear your favorite playlists through premium speakers. Simply tap an icon on your Savant touchpad or smartphone app, and everything is at your command. If you love music, movies, and TV programs, then an audio distribution system will certainly take your home entertainment experience to new heights.

Instead of using your earbuds or sitting in one room while listening to music, you can expand your musical possibilities and the audio soundstage. Keep reading our blog to learn how a multi-room audio system updates your entire home in Glen Head, NY.

SEE ALSO: Three Major Perks of Savant Audio Distribution

High-Quality Music Wherever You Roam

Most people don’t fully realize the impact a whole-home audio system can have on their daily lives. Audio distribution improves the way you interact with your media server or online streaming service, and it enhances your overall music-listening pleasure. With the tap of an icon (or even by voice command), you can make any room come alive with your favorite songs and podcasts.

In addition, with a multi-channel audio distribution system, you can play different songs in different areas of your house. While you’re enjoying “oldies but goodies” in the kitchen or living room, your children can enjoy Disney music in their rooms as they spend time with friends. And if you are hosting a party, let your guests pump up the volume on your outdoor speaker system with classic rock or contemporary hits. Best of all, your premium in-wall and in-ceiling speakers and subwoofers come together to create an overwhelming and exhilarating auditory experience. It’s as if your whole home is a soundstage!

It’s Movie Time in Your Home Theater

Movie magic happens in your private cinema. It’s the place where a brilliant display and phenomenal audio come together. In fact, if you used Home Theater of Long Island to design and install your cinema space, you likely enjoy a better experience at home than in the local movie theaters! A large 4K Ultra HD TV or a Sony projector with HDR imaging, tunable lighting controls, and a surround-sound system help to achieve the impact you want.

But did you know that your home theater sound system can be integrated with your whole-home audio system too? So, if you need to get up for a bathroom break or snack break, the movie’s audio can play through your multi-room speakers – then you won’t miss a thing. Even better – by adding a whole-home video system, you’ll be able to watch the movie anywhere in your home by simply tapping your Savant smart home tablet or mobile device.


Learn how you can elevate your home entertainment experience with a whole-home sound system. Call Home Theater of Long Island or fill out our online contact form to schedule a consultation. We look forward to hearing from you.

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