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Enhance Your Quality of Life with Whole Home Automation

Experience Unprecedented Ease of Living

Enhance Your Quality of Life with Whole Home Automation

Technology is constantly evolving, and staying up on the latest trends is a pursuit worthy of only the extremely daring. The result for many is a handful or armload of technological gadgets that require various apps and remotes.

That's where our automation experts at Home Theater of Long Island come in. We turn luxury homes in New York, NY, into automated wonders, spaces that provide the ultimate in today’s LED full-spectrum lighting, energy management, advanced high-performance audio and video, integrated security, and much more. 

Our job is to integrate all your smart devices and systems into one easy-to-use home automation platform and program scenes that control multiple systems with one touch. Your job is to press the ‘Good Morning’ button on an in-wall keypad, and watch the shades rise and the lights brighten to the color of the morning sun while your ‘Happy Day’ playlist streams through your home. 

To achieve unprecedented ease of living, we partner with Savant, a whole-home automation platform designed for luxury homes. Let’s explore the possibilities.

SEE ALSO: 3 Things to Consider when Designing Your Home Theater Setup 

Quality of Life Defined

Quality of life is defined as a standard of comfort, health, and happiness. Our clients live what’s defined as a luxurious lifestyle.They experience a Savant smart home that enhances their lives in extraordinary ways. 

Savant was the first home automation platform that allowed homeowners to manage their homes from a smartphone app. That effortless approach to connected living has defined their presence and is a significant reason for their success. They use high-quality hardware and are designed as an entire-house solution.

An Automated Savant Home

Discussing the full features inherent in a Savant home would encompass several lengthy pages. Here, we’ll share a few of our clients’ favorites. Living in a home that prepares itself for them in advance is one of the most profound changes. 

You wake to the perfect lighting, climate, and entertainment, and your home adjusts throughout the day. When you leave, the shades lower, the temperature adjusts, the lights dim, the doors lock, and the alarm arms. When you return, your home welcomes you with beautiful landscape and entryway lighting, a warm home, a lit fireplace, and your ’Relaxing’ playlist streaming softly through nearly invisible speakers. 

The Difference Savant Makes

Because Savant was designed for luxury homes, their technology was created with estates in mind. For instance, Savant IP Video and Audio distributes pristine pixel-perfect video at the highest resolutions to every TV and crystal-clear audio from the source to the speaker. 

These systems offer the best entertainment and are scalable for any size estate while providing effortless control. You simply select the source, from satellite, cable, Blu-ray players, Apple TV, and more, and the room you want to enjoy it in.

While these features are impressive, there’s much more to experience in a Savant smart home. At Home Theater of Long Island, our decades of experience and commitment to the finest products ensure the highest quality in each of our customized smart homes. To learn more about whole home automation or to schedule a complimentary consultation, contact Home Theater of Long Island today.